
Integrating ProdCamp with Intercom

There are three scenarios of how you can use Intercom with Prodcamp.

To get started follow these steps:

Connecting ProdCamp to Intercom

There are 2 ways to integrate with Intercom:

Option 1:

Open the link below and click on "Sign in to Install".

Option 2:

1. Sign in to your ProdCamp account here.

2. Open the Settings page and click Integrations on the top.

3. Click on the Intercom section to expand and click on the "Connect with Intercom" button.

Voting for a feature on behalf of a user in the Inbox

Best practice: it's only a good idea to upvote a certain feature if you're sure it's what the customer needs. If you're not sure, create a new feedback record to be processed by a person in charge of feedback collecting from a product team.

1. Inside the Inbox conversation, click on the ProdCamp icon.

Activating ProdCamp integration for Intercom

2. Type keywords for the feature that a user has requested.

Upvoting a feature in the Intercom Inbox

3. Choose the best fit from the results and click on the upvote button.

Link to public roadmap in the Intercom Inbox

4. The link to the feature will be added to your next reply automatically. Just click Send.

Capturing user feedback in the Intercom Inbox

1. In the Intercom Inbox, click on the ProdCamp icon.

Activating ProdCamp integration for Intercom

2. Click on the "Submit New Feedback" button.

Capture Feedback in the Intercom Inbox

3. Paste feedback content from the clipboard.

Submit feedback from the Intercom Inbox

4. Click Submit.

User feedback in the Intercom conversation

Sharing your product roadmap on the Intercom Messanger Home

1. Go to the messenger settings.

Intercom Messanger Customization

2. Scroll down and click "Add apps to your Messenger."

Add new apps to your Intercom Messenger

3. Click on "Add an app."

Adding an app to Intercom Messenger

4. Scroll down and click on the ProdCamp app.

Add ProdCamp to your Intercom Messenger

5. Select the product which you want on the roadmap.

Select a product for your public roadmap

6. Once posted, you'll see it in your Intercom Messenger.

Public roadmap in Intercom

Feature voting in Intercom

Well done! 🙌

Happy to get your feedback.

Last updated

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