Public Roadmap

Publish your product's roadmap with the world.

To make your roadmap public you will first need to make your product public.

PLEASE NOTE - Each public roadmap is linked to a specific product.

1. Click on Products in the main menu.

2. Select the product you would like to share.

3. Here we have several fields that you can customize.

Mandatory fields: Product Name Subdomain (auto-generated)

Optional fields: Public Roadmap description Public Roadmap title Website link

You can also provide your: Product logo Product avatar Product favicon

And lastly, you can select which of these 4 tabs will be opened by default: Your Roadmap - features you decided to work on Your Backlog - features you haven't prioritized yet Released features - features you've already released (Usually, it's either the roadmap or the backlog) Changelog - your product updates

All edits are saved as you type them.

And now click on "public roadmap" at the top of the page to enable public access to the page.

You will see your product page with the name you have specified. But it looks empty, right?

4. Let's add some features to the public roadmap. Go back to the app and head over to Features on the main menu. If you have any features there, just open the ones you like and click on the Visibility toggle to make them public. If not, then create a new feature and make it public.

Now it looks much better 🙌

We also recommend reading about Feature Placement on the Public Roadmap

Adding features to the public roadmap

Described here.

Last updated